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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

2025/ május/ 12, 19:30Jegyvásárlás


Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is bringing his 'An Evening to Transform Your Life' tour to Papp László Budapest Sportaréna on May 12, 2025!
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a best-selling author, clinical psychologist, prominent public intellectual and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto and co-founder of the Peterson Academy. He has written three books, Maps of Meaning, an academic work, presenting a new scientifically-grounded theory of religious and political belief, and the bestselling 12 Rules for Life, and Beyond Order, which have sold more than twelve million copies. Dr. Peterson’s international lecture tour has sold out more than 400 venues, providing hundreds of thousands of people with live insight into the structure of mythology and narrative.


VIP Package: Dr Jordan B Peterson VIP Meet & Greet
• VIP Price: $225 USD

The Dr Jordan B Peterson VIP Meet & Greet Upgrade includes:
-Meet & Greet with Dr Jordan B Peterson
-One Photo with Dr Jordan B Peterson
-One Commemorative VIP Laminate

*Note: Upgrades do NOT include a seat ticket. You MUST already have a seat ticket to the show in order to purchase a VIP upgrade.

To purchase your Dr Jordan B Peterson VIP Meet & Greet Upgrade once you have purchased your show ticket, please visit: https://www.omgvip.com/jordan-peterson

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Kedves Vendégeink!
Napközben munkálatokat végeztek az Ifjúság útján, ami miatt egy forgalmi sáv kiesik, és emiatt lassulhat a Budapest Aréna környékén a forgalom. Ebből következően javasoljuk, hogy mind a mai, mind pedig a holnapi előadásra a tervezetthez képest korábban induljanak el.
Megértésüket és támogatásukat ezúton is köszönjük!
Üdvözlettel, Budapest Aréna csapata


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