
Dear Arena visitors,

As we are sure you will be aware, the terrorist attacks that took place in Paris last November have  unfortunately been subsequently followed by a number of  incidents throughout the world, the most recent occuring in Brussels, where dozens of people died and many more were injured.

We would like to offer our sincerest sympathies to the friends and families of victims involved in all the attacks, and wish those physically injured and mentally affected the fastest possible recovery.

After the attacks in Paris, the authorities in Hungary ordered that the terror threat level in the country be raised to level ‘B’, to ensure the protection of Hungarian citizens and foreign tourists. To comply with this order, the management of Budapest Sportcsarnok Üteneltető Kft, which runs the Papp László Budapest SportsArena, announced on 14, November, 2015 that they would increase the Arena’s security protection levelsuntil further notice.

Based on feedback we’ve received from our visitors, it appears that the Arena’s measures are being deemed appropriate by those visiting. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, they have helped us to fine-tune our security procedures.

May we kindly remind you of some of the additional security measures in place:

You are asked to continue to arrive earlier than usual for performances, and do not bring any large bags or backpacks.

For larger events, please expect security checks and bag searches on the approaches to the Arena; in the case of smaller events these checks will take place at the entrances to the Arena themselves. All vehicles entering the Arena will be searched, and the Arena also reserves the right to search any vehicle using the Arena’s parking lot.

During performances, our security team will patrol and check areas throughout the Arena.

We do realize that these measures may cause inconvenience, but we are sure that you will understand that they are in place for your own personal safety and protection, and of course your security is our uppermost concern.

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to welcoming you to the Arena soon. Please feel free to continue sharing your experiences and feedback with us[o1] .

 [o1]Adrienn, possibly change this as follows: ’ with us, on our Facebook page (mention other places people can put feedback on?)’



Dear Visitors!


Most probably all of you are familiar with the fact, that a terror attack took place in Paris on the 13th of November, 2015, during the evening, generally in crowded places.


We share the victims’ families’ and friends’ grief and wish the fastest recovery possible for the physically and mentally injured.


In favor of the intensified protection of Hungarian citizens and tourists currently staying in the country, Hungary has ordered the ’B’ level terror threat.

According to this – and complying with it – the Budapest Sportcsarnok Üteneltető Kft’s. -operating Papp László Budapest SportsArena- management has raised the Arena’s security protection – until revocation.


What You, dear visitors will experience from the raised security protection is a more serious control at the entrance, and a possible bag and clothes scanning.

We would like to kindly ask you to arrive earlier than usually, and not to bring any large bags and packs.

It is still strictly prohibited to bring bottles, any metal objects, sharp, piercing, or cutting tools.

The order will most probably cause delays during the admission, so we kindly ask you to be patient and understand that reducing the risks is in everyone’s best interest. Please be prepared for a similar control when entering the parking lot, where the content your trunk might also be checked.

In favor of prevention and of everyone’s security, – although it was not common in the past - police officers may be present during our events.


Let us thank you in advance for your understandig and cooperation. We hope you will have a great time in our venue despite of the recent events in France.



Budapesti Sportcsarnok Üzemeltető Kft.’s Team